Tuesday, October 13, 2009

First Among Many

As I sit down to write my first ever blog, I realize that I just passed my one month anniversary of being unemployed by Tai Sophia Institute. I'm surprised it has only been a month. In fact, I've been busy with a life there wasn't a whole lot of time for when I was working:

  • Organizing stuff on my new laptop and in my new home office

  • Playing with my dog, Patches

  • Enjoying the appearance of Fall

  • Getting better acquainted with my family

  • Ruminating about what I want to do next

  • Doing some consulting work with charter schools in DC and Baltimore in partnership with Dennis Keilholtz and Nancy Hall, two good friends I am proud to be associated with.

  • Pursuing this internal debate about whether I want to be a consultant or seek full-time employment.

  • Making some minimal efforts towards finding a FT job.

All of that leads me to this blog. I have always been a writer, although it has mostly been technical writing of late. But mostly, I have this fear of becoming irrelevant as I drift out of the mainstream of the work-a-day world. Maybe this will help me stand out a bit - the first among many.

The Professor's Management Blog is a title that also seems appropriate. At Tai Sophia, I came to be know affectionately as the Professor. I profess to know something about management and aspire to manage again, or help others to manage. I also figure that I may share a bit about how I am managing my life.

And so this blog - probably one in a million. But maybe a few folks will actually read it. Please comment if you do; click "follow" on the right if you think this might serve you in some way. And thank you.