Tuesday, October 13, 2009

First Among Many

As I sit down to write my first ever blog, I realize that I just passed my one month anniversary of being unemployed by Tai Sophia Institute. I'm surprised it has only been a month. In fact, I've been busy with a life there wasn't a whole lot of time for when I was working:

  • Organizing stuff on my new laptop and in my new home office

  • Playing with my dog, Patches

  • Enjoying the appearance of Fall

  • Getting better acquainted with my family

  • Ruminating about what I want to do next

  • Doing some consulting work with charter schools in DC and Baltimore in partnership with Dennis Keilholtz and Nancy Hall, two good friends I am proud to be associated with.

  • Pursuing this internal debate about whether I want to be a consultant or seek full-time employment.

  • Making some minimal efforts towards finding a FT job.

All of that leads me to this blog. I have always been a writer, although it has mostly been technical writing of late. But mostly, I have this fear of becoming irrelevant as I drift out of the mainstream of the work-a-day world. Maybe this will help me stand out a bit - the first among many.

The Professor's Management Blog is a title that also seems appropriate. At Tai Sophia, I came to be know affectionately as the Professor. I profess to know something about management and aspire to manage again, or help others to manage. I also figure that I may share a bit about how I am managing my life.

And so this blog - probably one in a million. But maybe a few folks will actually read it. Please comment if you do; click "follow" on the right if you think this might serve you in some way. And thank you.


  1. Far out blog!! Looks good. The line I like best is that you're playing with Patches. Work for yourself, if you can, Harry. In some ways it's a lot more work, but VERY rewarding. I was NEVER sorry that I started my own business. I had a lot more freedom -- which is what life's all about.

  2. I echo the "work for yourself" thought. No meetings. AND you reap what you sow, not dependent on someone else. It takes a few years to get momentum, but when you do, it can be smooth sailing.
    Clayton S.
    Check out MY blog at http://acuworks.blogspot.com

  3. Nice job, brother! I have often considered beginning a blog, but like so many other things, "nevergetaroundtuit"

    I look forward to future entries.

  4. I'm discovering more and more the possibilities of creating community on the internet. Social networking sites are, of course, one medium. Blogs are also important as community gathering places where discussions can happen through posts and comments. I would feel very lucky if this blog becomes a place where community happens,
